When hundreds of plaintiffs bundle their claims, your potential liability can skyrocket. This demands skilled counsel and a deliberate response. Our experienced class action attorneys serve defendants in every industry, including yours, to handle high-stakes class claims.
We have represented companies like yours nationwide for decades and handle class actions across many different disciplines. Examples of class actions we have defended include:
A class action is not just a litigation matter involving more than one plaintiff. Nearly all phases of a class action require skills that differ from single-plaintiff cases. Your matter requires attorneys like ours, with experience in:
Our class action litigation attorneys have been recognized by Chambers, Super Lawyers, and Best Lawyers in America for over a decade. They frequently present on class action best practices to legal and insurance professionals for organizations such as The Trial Network, the Maryland Trial Lawyers Association, the Defense Research Institute, the Maryland Institute of Continuing Legal Education, and many others.
Copyright 2025 Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP