Goodell DeVries’s success in hiring and promoting female attorneys has attracted national attention. The firm placed 10th nationally (and 1st in Baltimore) in Law360’s recent rankings of the Top 100 firms for female attorneys. Recognizing that many firms struggle to retain and promote excellent female attorneys, Law360 considered a variety of factors including the percentages of female attorneys at various levels within the firm: associate, non-equity partner, and equity partner. Women’s under-representation in law firms – despite their much larger presence and success in law schools – is an ongoing problem that bar associations, the judiciary, and many consumers of legal services want remediated. At the U.S. law firms it surveyed, Law360's 2016 Glass Ceiling report found that women comprise just 34 percent of all attorneys and a mere 22 percent of partners. Goodell DeVries’s 43% female partnership rate nearly doubles the national average for law firms. Along with its relatively high rate of female equity partners, the firm’s Managing and Hiring Partners are also women.
We are honored to receive this recognition and proud to have a firm where female attorneys can flourish in a culture that strives to be inclusive for all. To read the full article please see the attached PDF below: